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Based in New York, The Wet Brush was invented in 2005 by Jeff Rozenzweig.


His daughters had very different types of hair but all battled after the shower.  Jeff knew that there was a way to solve this problem and eventually, the Wet Brush’s IntelliFlex bristles did the trick.  These super flexible bristles glided through all three of his daughter’s hair with ease and soon enough the rest of the world caught on.


Now, Wet Brush has become a household name among the millions of satisfied customers that have finally found an easier way to untangle and manage their hair.  Superior to the average detangling tool, the Wet Brush has become the beauty and grooming essential to ensure a quick, easy and fun hair care routine around the world.

Wet Brush Paddle

Wet Brush Pro Midi

Wet Brush Pro

Wet Brush Neon

Wet Brush Holidays

Wet Brush Popfold

Wet Brush Safari

Wet Brush Natural

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